The Layer5 Community

Largest collection of service mesh projects and their maintainers in the world

We build projects to provide learning environments, deployment and operational best practices, performance benchmarks, create documentation, share networking opportunities, and more. Our shared commitment to the open source spirit pushes Layer5 projects forward.

New members are always welcome.

Join the Community

Open Source Projects

Layer5 projects are open source software. Anyone can download, use, work on, and share it with others. It's built on principles like collaboration, globalism, and innovation. Layer5 projects are distributed under the terms of Apache v2.

Repository Overview

Our Community Members

Jump in! The community is warm
The Layer5 community is diverse with members from around the globe, who have shown consistent commitment in advancing our open source initiatives.

We believe that every contributor deserves a safe and friendly environment, enabling them to effectively compare different ideas and find the best solutions for advancement, while building the size, diversity, and strength of the community.

Layer5 MeshMates

An onboarding and mentoring program

The Layer5 community is growing at a tremendous rate. We value our connections and that is what makes us unique. Whether it is your first Layer5 meeting or your tenth contribution, we want to make sure that you are supported and equipped to take advantage of all of that the Layer5 community has to offer.

In the Layer5 mentor program, we will match you up with a MeshMate to support and guide you along the way, by enabling you to identify your area of interests within the projects, directing you towards working groups to join, growing your Cloud Native knowledge, and establishing a network of relationships.

Layer5 Meetings

Meeting Slack Channel Meeting Minutes Meeting Link Meeting Recordings
Layer5 Community Meeting #general Minutes Zoom YouTube
Websites Meeting #websites Minutes Zoom YouTube
Meshery Development Meeting #meshery Minutes Zoom YouTube
MeshMap Meeting #meshery-ci Minutes Zoom YouTube
Newcomers' Meeting #newcomers Minutes Zoom YouTube
Meshery CI WG Meeting #meshery-ci Minutes Zoom YouTube
CNCF - SMI Community Meeting #smi Minutes Zoom N/A
CNCF - SIG Network Meeting #sig-network Minutes Zoom YouTube