the service mesh management plane

Service Performance Management

What overhead does being on the service mesh incur?

Assess the value of your service mesh in context of its cost. Benchmark and manage the performance of your application across different service meshes. Compare service mesh overhead.

performance tests run!

Lifecycle and Configuration Management

Which service mesh should I use and how do I get started?

Provision service meshes, distributed applications. Understand and control the functionality of different service meshes. Validate your service mesh configuration. against best practices.

Baseline, Measure, and Assess

  • - Compare apples-to-apples performance across service meshes.
  • - Track your service mesh performance from release to release.
  • - Understand behavioral differences between service meshes.
  • - Track your application performance from version to version.

Configuration Best Practices and Service Mesh Patterns

Assess your service mesh configuration against deployment and operational best practices with Meshery's configuration validator.

Service Mesh Standards

Service Mesh Performance
The Service Mesh Performance (SMP) is a vendor-neutral specification to aid operators in assessing the overhead of their service mesh in context of the value it provides. Layer5's MeshDex provides a universal performance index to gauge your mesh’s efficiency against deployments in other organizations’ environments.

Learn more about this open standard as a partnership of Layer5, UT Austin, and Google.

Service Mesh Interface
Service Mesh Interface (SMI) SMI defines a common standard that can be implemented by a variety of service mesh projects and vendors. SMI’s aim for consistent APIs facilitates Meshery’s same goals, allowing for users and tools to flourish. As SMI was unveiled at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2019, so did Meshery’s compatibility.

Learn more about Layer5's partnership with Microsoft and the CNCF.


See Meshery at

Run Meshery

Step 1: Install and start

Bash user

Install on Mac or Linux using Docker, install Meshery on your local machine by running the following:

 $ curl -L | bash -    
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Brew user

Install on Mac or Linux using Homebrew:

$ brew tap layer5io/tap
$ brew install mesheryctl
$ mesheryctl system start
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Kubernetes user

Using Helm v3

Run the following:

$ git clone; cd meshery
$ kubectl create namespace meshery
$ helm install meshery --namespace meshery install/kubernetes/helm/meshery
Copy to clipboard

Service Mesh Performance

Fork me on GitHub

The Service Mesh Performance is a common format for describing and capturing the performance of service meshes in context of the value they provide. This specification is currently being advanced through the CNCF Network SIG and the Meshery project.



This project is community-built and welcomes collaboration!

  • Meeting Minutes Link
  • Join the weekly community meeting on Fridays at 10am Central.
  • Youtube Link
  • Watch community meeting recordings.
  • Google Calendar Link
  • Subscribe to the community calender.
  • Google Drive Link
  • Access the community drive.
  • Slack Link
  • Join the community on Slack.


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